Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 9!

This is getting easier and easier to remember.  Although, I'm not the biggest fan of short little blogs.  I feel like I really need to put some meat on this thing... But it's kind of hard, so I'll just bite the bullet and give you a mordita instead of a big bite of information :)

Day 9: A photo of someone who has gotten me through the most.


My husband. I'm so glad I can call him that :)  Although I met him when I was 18, we've been there with each other through 4 years of college, my parents' divorce, 4 graduations, 7 birthdays (I've missed 3 of his), 2 funurals, and he sees me at my very worst some days. This guy deserves an award. 

There is so much more I could say about him, apart from the one negative that he still hasn't followed my blog... grrr... But I have no doubt that he'll always be there for me, no matter what life throws at us.

Enough of the emotional, have a great day everyone!!

xoxo Sierra

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