I do apologize that I've been quiet for sooooo long. It's completely not my nature, but life happens and you get busy and blogging drops on the list of "most important things"...
Looking back, it's been over two months since I wrote in the blogosphere. Sad. So much has happened since then!
Quickly, the husband has worked EVERY weekend since the last time you heard from me about our fun weekend to Memphis: Double Sad. Let's be real, I can't remember what else happened in June, so I'll skip to July. The Beach! Not sad, so we're back down to just one sad. We had such a great week down on Orange Beach
I didn't take this one, but I was there. I'll spare you a photo of me actually ON the beach....
Then I had to return to real life and back to work I went. Skipping forward, just a about three weeks ago, our nephew had an accident and was put in the hospital for a week. It was a very trying time for his parents and the rest of the family to watch him go through that, but Praise the Lord!, he's doing really great now! Ben and I spent about 4 days down in Mobile with our family, and I'm so glad we were at least able to be there to support them.
Next, Ben and I are trying really hard to locate an affordable rent house in Starkville. This has become one of my latest obsessions. I can't stop looking at furniture and stuff online. This is a problem. I've got my eye on one, and I'll keep you posted.
Things just seem to change so quickly sometimes. You blink and everything is different.. why does this happen?... Now I'm just thinking out loud via a keyboard. Anyway, I know this isn't a terribly interesting and entertaining post, but I've really missed being here and talking about life. I promise not to wait so long in between posts again.
Until next time...
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