Thursday, May 26, 2011

6 Times the Fun!

So I've been lazy lately and quite honestly, tired of blogging everyday about something small. If I'm going to take the time to blog, I want it to actually entertain the reader. That being said, I'm promptly one week behind on my "100 Days" quest. And you know what, I'm OK with that, because I'm actually in the mood to blog. So, there you have it. Now let's get started ,I have a lot of ground to cover. Maybe I'll just fly on through some of this info ;)

21: Something I wish I could forget.... OK.. now bare with me here.. When I was little I had this thing where I would/could memorize things easily, Bible verses etc.. but number sequences were especially fun. SOMEHOW I managed to see an un-named person's SSN and memorized it. I have never forgotten it. To this day it creeps me out that I have this piece of information in my head and I would love nothing more than to forget it. The problem is.. you can't forget something you want to forget... It's really frustrating. Don't think I'm a creeper. I promise I will never steal this person's identity. I like to think that I'm mistaken and that I actually don't remember a SSN...

22.Something I never leave the house without.


Perhaps an obvious choice, but let me explain. I'm a very forgetful person. Short term, not long term (See above explanation) So, what I mean by this is, I'm likely to forget most anything else... I've forgotten my phone, my keys, my purse, even my wedding rings... but truth be told, I've never left the house naked.  Not something I ever intend on trying either........

23:My favorite book. That's a ridiculous question.. Who could pick one.

If I choose to be super spiritual and choose La Biblia... I'd still have to break it down.. it would go something like this.

Ah hem...

Old Testament.. wait not that's not specific enough... Ok from the Pentateuch: Genesis. Histories: Esther. Prophets: Minor: Hosea    Major: Isaiah.
New Testament: still too broad... Gospels: John  Epistles: still to vaugue... I'll just pick Second Corinthians...

Christian Fiction: Mystery suspense: Adam by Ted Dekker
Christian Fiction: Historical Fiction: Redeeming Love

Regular Fiction: Well I'm torn here too.. I like the Twilight series, but depending on my mood my favorites go back and forth within the series...

Just thought I'd throw this in here for you all... Clearly I'm team Edward. Enjoy.

I also love, Water for Elephants, Poisonwood Bible, too many to choose from...

YOU SEE THE ISSUE- I set tiny favorites within boundaries. Clearly I'm indecisive to a fault.

24: Picture of someone I miss.

G-Norma. Enough said. I wish we lived closer to each other. It stinks that we don't....

25: Photo of me from last year:

On our honeymoon in Jurassic Park. We didn't get eaten.

And................ 26: A photo of something that means a lot to me.

I've spent WAY too much time thinking about what is important to me, and I'm to tired to think of an answer that isn't either obvious, or something I haven't covered already. 

So..... I choose...


Vital to my life.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What to do... Where to go: Days 19 & 20

Day 19- A photo of something I love to do.  There are many things, so I'll keep it short. And sweet.. because that's how I do.    :)


 The Memory Keeper's Daughter is next up on my list for the summer. Can't wait to start.

Cleaning!!! It makes me feel very accomplished very quickly.

This photo (above) makes me happy

I disagree wholeheartedly with this one....  

 This was me last Saturday...

No, that's a lie, but I do aspire.

Day 20: Photo of somewhere you'd like to travel.

I had my chance in 2008 to go to Machu Picchu... but due to my fight with the Death Bug.. Which I lost, I had to forfeit my ticket and come back to the US a week early. Bummer.

 PS: I would totally ride this llama/alpaca up the tretcherous mountainside to get this view. there are A LOT of these guys in Peru, trust me.

Also, I'd totally be an Aussie-for-a-Day.
Sydney looks beautiful, and I would do my best to trick someone into letting me drive so I could go all Crocodile Dundee on the wrong side of the road while yelling belligerently about the other idiots on the road. Sounds like fun to me :)

Lastly, my greatest vaca desire (No, spanish speakers, I'm not referencing my love for cows.)
See "vaca" to clear up any confusion... English speakers, please ignore if you want.

I would love love love to be able to visit all around the Mediterranean one day. This would be the one cruise that I would jump at the opportunity to go on.  I generally don't like to put myself willingly onto floating death traps.. but this would be a spectacular exception. Spain, Italy, Greece, Egypt.. all over the Med I would go!!!

Wait a second... I so just realized that my comments about visiting Machu Picchu make it sound like I died. *Disclaimer: that is NOT true* In fact, I am very alive. So don't be worried.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Impact? & a Pretty Girl

So, two days ago I was supposed to blog about something that has had a huge impact on my life recently. In all of my delightfull creativeness, I can come up with nothing that's interesting enough for me to blog about.. But the best I got is PLANNING. I've been very inspired lately to start planning for the future.

Por ejemplo: I made a list today of all of our expenses to see if we are able to afford a new vehicle for myself and to see where we can start saving more money. It's sort of fun since it's a challenge. We'll see how we do. I'm already planning my sister's AMAZING baby shower. I'm going all out.. I just can't help myself.

Other than that, I'd like to skip on to Day 18, a more visual day and show you guys a photo of a lovely lady. She is famous, she is pretty, and what I'm most jealous of is that she can wear any hairstyle and look great.
 I give you... Diana Agron
She's on Glee and probably has other things as part of her career but who knows. I think she's pretty all the time.

 Diana Agron: Classic girl next door pretty

 Diana Agron: Slightly vintage/edgy pretty.

 Diana Agron: Covergirl Pretty

Diana Agron: Jackie O kinda pretty... 

 Diana Agron: Sophisticated, classy pretty.

Way to be pretty gurl!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Inspiration- and A Visualization

Day 16 is (was, since I'm behind AGAIN) about someone who inspires me.  Truth be told, there are many people who inspire me in a general sense like G-Norma, Rachel Ray, PW, and various other amazing women (and men) that I've come across in life that have some wonderful Godly qualities that I'm still learning to possess.

Alas, I think it's really cool that I'm just getting around to writing this blog today (May 18, not May 16) Because yesterday the 17th, we had a Mississippi State Staff Conference. I found great inspiration in this event which completely surprised me. This fantastic lady, Janie Walters, taught a course on Public Speaking, and she was also the Keynote speaker at the conference.

Though she was at a public university speaking on the topic of Optimism, her Light just couldn't help but hsine. The Light I'm talking about.. it's the kind that scares darkness. It's cool. Anyway, she really inspired me yesterday for several reasons.

1. He relentless faith
2. Her contagious attitude and humor.
3. Her perspective and outlook.

Example: During our "class" she talked about "seeing" yourself succeed (as in while giving a speech etc) to help calm yourself and all. We did a silly little exercise with our eyes closed to "see" ourselves doing X,Y,Z...
THEN! She said something that blew me away.. She said

"How many of you have been dieting your whole life?" (2/3 of room raises hands) "Me too, and that's one of the biggest reasons you don't succeed; you can't see yourself thin. All the pictures you have of yourself, you are plump, and everytime you look in the mirror, you see yourself the size that you are."
The point she made was that you go farther and do more than you usually would if you really "see" yourself doing it/being it.

I thought about that pretty much all day and I visited her website earlier today and found a little article that was just perfect for me all over again... Lighten Up Challenge (Go all the way to the bottom of this page, and read the challenge.)

This is something that I really want to do. I've been struggling a lot lately with this and I've come to the conclusion a while back that really losing weight is a spriritual issue for me, and many others I think.
I want to jump on board with this challenge and tithe 10% of my body to the Lord. I can't think of a more literal and practical way to present my body as a living sacrifice than this right now.

I so want to do this and I've been so inspired.. Like never before. I really hope that the 10% will be a jumping off point for me. I will really need some encouragement, but I want to walk in the Spirit as I trust the Lord to help me in this journey.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Before I Die...

"Before I die..."    Wow, that sounds way more serious than the contents of this blog.

Something I'd like to do before I die. Actually, I have a list of this somewhere... But off the top of my head, I can only think of a few things.

1. Meet Peyton Manning and Dallas Clark in person/ attend an Indianapolis Colts home game.

2. Ride an elephant *with the condition that the elephant carries me from the ground to his/her back with his/her trunk. This will make me feel like a very lightweight person. Also, a lifetime goal of mine... That is, to become a lightweight person...

3. Be the voice of an animated something or other.... 

Similarly.... 3.5: become a foley artist. These are the guys that  make the sound effects for movies. How fun would that be??

That is all for now. Thanks you all you loyalists!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Days 12 & 13

Day 12: A photo of my favorite band or artist:
Right now, if I go by Pandora.. is Adele.

She is so classy and cute and has an amazing voice. She's also British, which gives her cool points for a reason I can't put my finger on.


They pretty much rock.

Love and Hate

Unfortunately, has been down for almost two days, so this is my first opportunity to get this written down.  I also am incapable of choosing just one of anything minus a few exceptions...
So for days 11 & 12 I'm supposed to post photos of something I hate and something I love. Well, get ready, I'm in no mood to start being all "choosy" now, so you get the whole lot :)

*Disclaimer- please don't get all PC or whatever if I happen to list a person in either category.... If I say I "hate" them, in this context it merely means I very much dislike/disrespect one's work, attitude, etc; not that I hate this person as a whole. I don't believe in feeling that way towards anyone.*

Now, here goes...

Food: Cilantro.... I can stomach it in some salsa... but I'd like it to be out of my life.

Animal: Squirrels...... Legitimate irrational fear.. This photo I found in the Animal's Natural State files... Believe it.

TV Show: Two and a Half Men.... I'm so glad they're replacing Charles. Hopefully now the show will be able to write some original jokes that consist of more that just crude sex gestures.

Month: January. I had to think about this one. I've decided that, since I do not have a birthday, nor did I get married in January, it's ok that I have no emotional ties to this month and can hate it. Think about it, it's the farthest month from Christmas, it's the coldest of the year, everything is dead in Jan. and it's basically the "Monday" of the whole year.... it's not til about April that we get to like Tuesday... Does that make sense?? It does to me...
Injustice... I don't have a category for this one, but I hate all sorts of injustice. I don't know what else to really even say about it. It would probably be a bigger soap box rant than any of you care to read right now..

Artist: If you can even call him that... Ahh, Mr. West. How I love to hate you. **Not as a person, of course.
I just really can't stand anything he does. I've never been a fan of people who are always a self righteous victim of nonsense.... He's gross. that's all.

 Sports team:  New England Patriots, How do I loath thee? Let me count the ways.....
I can't even talk about how much I hate this team... They are pretentious cheaters with an obnoxious coach who has not even enough sense to dress himself. 
Yes, I hate this team.

Now, on to the things I love!!!!

Brownies: Best food ever? I think yes.

How I love you Indy!!! 
I call this one.. "Manning calls Brady a pansy and a cheater"

Month: Clearly, October must win. Best weather, football season, beautiful colors in nature, my birthday, pumpkins, happiness, love. It all is because of October. You're the best, October, you're the best!

I also really love Ben. Enough to marry him in fact :)

Well that's all for now. I still have a lot of catching up to do!! I"m still like 2 days behind.
Alas, I love you guys to pieces.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 10 Plus my funny husband

I feel pretty proud that I've kept up with my 100 Days Blog.... even though it's only day 10.  That's beside the point. Today's was a little harder for me to come up with, because it's hard to say what one thing is more important that all the rest. It was quite a good exercise in perspective. 

Day 10: A photo of my most treasured item.

Now, let me be honest. I had no idea what to choose, so I decided to confer with the husband. Today after work, while sitting in our living room, I asked... "Ben, what would you consider your most treasured item?" 
Without missing even a fraction of a second, or even looking up from his phone, he, in a very unanimated and monotone voice, answered: "you"
I promptly replied, "I'm not an item" to which he replied, "Oh." 
Still never looked up from the phone........ We're so in love 

Later I finally got a good answer out of him. If our apartment was burning, he would go after his guitar.

It is a very pretty guitar, and he's quite attached. And... he looks really hot playing it. Yes I just said that, I"m perfectly entitled to say my hubby looks hot. Thanks.

Now me! I guess I'll choose two things.
 First; my wedding set. It was my first instinct to pick.  I love my rings. They are gorgeous..

I'm pretty proud of this photo, look at it sparkle!
It meant so much to me that Ben (being incredibly frugal) would purchase the exact ring to my specifications. I also love what it stands for. Some people like to diminish the importance and meaning behind such a purchase by saying it's merely a "rock" and a marketing ploy... Blah blah... Pa-lease...
It is a beautiful way to claim a woman's word and heart.  I'll just stop there.

Secondly... My college degree.

Though it's only a piece of paper, and I could technically get the University to send another in the event of a fire, my education is something I treasure.  It can never be taken from me and it's invaluable to me. 


Now that that is all taken care of, let's all be honest and agree that tonight's episode of Glee was fantastic. 
And......... if you haven't been watching... Tuesday night's lineup on FOX is pretty great. Raising Hope and Traffic Light are both hilarious. Check them out.

Finally, the husband and I had a brief food fight with melted chocolate chips and strawberries. We had to clean his face to capture a good shot of him holding the guitar this evening.  Sadly that photo is not featured.

I really want a camera of better photo quality. You can all be in prayer about that. :)

That's it. I love you all! 
xoxo Sierra

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 9!

This is getting easier and easier to remember.  Although, I'm not the biggest fan of short little blogs.  I feel like I really need to put some meat on this thing... But it's kind of hard, so I'll just bite the bullet and give you a mordita instead of a big bite of information :)

Day 9: A photo of someone who has gotten me through the most.


My husband. I'm so glad I can call him that :)  Although I met him when I was 18, we've been there with each other through 4 years of college, my parents' divorce, 4 graduations, 7 birthdays (I've missed 3 of his), 2 funurals, and he sees me at my very worst some days. This guy deserves an award. 

There is so much more I could say about him, apart from the one negative that he still hasn't followed my blog... grrr... But I have no doubt that he'll always be there for me, no matter what life throws at us.

Enough of the emotional, have a great day everyone!!

xoxo Sierra

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Days 7 & 8

Well I have days 1 through 6, and I've been gone over the weekend. I'm not cool enough to set up my blog to auto post while I'm away, so I guess I'm slacking already.   I'll catch up now. I have time because the husband is currently working feverishly in the kitchen cooking me some yummy dinner. 

Day 7: A photo that makes me laugh.

 In honor of PW and her contagious love for Bassets... this photo is presh and makes me laugh. I really want one of these guys... or girls.

Day 8: A photo of the person you do the craziest things with.
Let's be real.. I don't do "the craziest things" with anyone really... But if I decided to do something truly crazy, I know who I'd call. Well, the 2 people I'd call.
My Danny again. OR............

My sister Brandi.  I look awful if this photo only due to the wind from the Windy City.  Note Buckingham Fountain in the background.  Love you B! :)

Well Hubs is done with dinner, so I'm out for now.  See you again soon!!

PS: Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

My "100 Days" List. aka 100 Bandwagon posts.

I've seen several of my blogging friends start this, and it's been really fun to read their's.  This will also put me in the habit of blogging every day.  Maybe I should start 100 days of eating only broccoli or 100 days of 300 sit-ups a night. I'm really terrible at sticking with stuff, so I'm really going to need your help to keep blogging each day.  So, tell ya mamma, tell ya friends, and get me some more followers :)  Also, keep me accountable. Thanks.  Since I didn't start on May 1, I'll just have to catch up. Then you can look forward to my terribly interesting posts each day.


Day 1: Photo of myself and 15 Facts

1. My favorite food/vice is brownies.
2. I love the color Green more than any other.
3. I really want to adopt a child someday.
4. I've recently found my love for reading all sorts of books.. not just Twilight.
5. I need to exercise more.
6. I want to have another wedding really badly.
7. Buying shoes is very cathartic to me.
8. The number 8 is my most favorite.
9. I have several very irrational fears, but I feel they are legitimate.
10. My husband danced with me in our living room last night. :)
11. Speaking of living rooms, I love buying furniture...
12. ... Which brings me to, I really really want to buy a house.
13. My husband and I have revolted against our local cable station. We have only 7 channels.
14. In the past 10 years or so, I've been, blonde, brunette, and even a red-head for a short time.
15. I am much more old-fashioned than I ever imagined.

Day 2: A Photo of me and the person I have been close with the longest.

Since I consider my friends my family, I must show a photo of me and my Danny. August will be our 9th anniversary of being best friends. She knows me like few do. Some friends and even family come in and out of our lives and our "closeness" may wein, but sometimes, a best friend will always be that.

Day 3: A photo from the cast of my favorite show. Well, I have 2.

 I <3 Grey's. Since Season One I have loved it.

Laugh til you cry. Some people don't get it, but it's laugh-til-you-cry.

Day 4: A phot of myself and a family member.  Hmm... who do I choose???

My sisters and I at DeeAnn's wedding. (She's the one in the middle wearing white)
I love these girls with all of my corazon.

Day 5: A photo of your favorite memory.  Wow, what a decision to make.... I don't like it, but I'll try.

Ok, this one is a little misleading since it's not from my wedding and all. But I do not have a photo of my favorite memory.  The truth is I have many favorite memories and it's unfair for me to have to choose one.  Now that that is off my chest.... Do you see the two sweet little girls in this picture?  They are 2 of my 3 nieces; Cora and Tessa.

The winter before they were born I got to go with my sister for her ultra sound.  I was supposed to leave the room before they revealed the sex of the twins to my sister and brother-in-law.  However, the nurse just jumped right in there and before we knew it, she was telling us that there were two little girls in there.  I know this may not make most people's "Favorite Memory" list, but the limited time I get to spend with my sister makes any memory stand out.  This one makes my list because I was the first person to know that we were getting 2 more little girls to love on. I have always treasured this memory.

Almost caught up!!!

Day 6: A photo of a person I'd love to switch places with for a day... If I can choose the person, I can choose the day too.  I say so. 

I choose Fergie.   Yes..... Fergie.
Day: January 12, 2009.

Reason:  See Day 1 Number 6.
I don't know that if I had it to do all over again, I would do just this, but it's beautiful and I love the colors/flowers etc...  Plus, she married Josh Duhmal.  That counts too.

Well, that catches me up!!  See you all tomorrow and every day for 94 more days.